Waiting for You by Melissa Kate Cover Reveal!

Waiting For You eBook mockup-4

Waiting For You

Melissa Kate

Contemporary Romance

Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC

May 24, 2016

Audrey Kelly finds her way back home to Crystal Valley with her bruised pride and a shattered dangerous past mocking her rear view mirror. What she didn’t expect was to be face-to-face with Adam Parker, resident bad boy, sexy Navy SEAL and one of the reasons that Audrey ran all those years ago.

Audrey was the last person Adam had ever expected to see back in Crystal Valley. Over a decade ago, they shared a sizzling night together before he received the worst news of his life and he hasn’t seen her since…until she’d moved back unexpectedly. She was no longer the sweet innocent girl he once remembered, but Adam has his own problems without having to deal with Audrey’s ice princess recital, no matter how tempting the auburn haired seductress may be.

Sparks begin to ignite between them but can they accept Audrey’s past when it threatens to engage them in a dangerous twist? Can they save each other from themselves and stop running once and for all?

Little Miss Somebody by Christy Lynn Abram

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LMS-ebookFourteen-year-old Nikki’s world is turned upside down when her mother makes an impulsive move to Missouri. Having left everything she knew behind, Nikki is left to fend for herself from her mother’s vicious cycle of abuse and abandonment while living at her grandmother’s house amidst her mother’s drug addicted siblings. Feeling unloved and more than ever like a burden, Nikki seeks to find a missing piece to the puzzle of her life- her father. Along the way, she unravels more layers of family abuse and pain causing her to feel helpless. But she won’t give up. Not yet, Not Nikki. Not until she finds what she is looking for. Will Nikki find the love she so desperately needs?



Available Today at:

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About the Author:

After enduring years of childhood abuse and struggling with depression and PTSD, Christy Lynn Abram embarked on a journey to self-healing using holistic wellness as her guide. Now, as a Wholistic Muse (guide to one’s self), author and creative entrepreneur, she teaches others how to live by design. Christy is trained in eight healing modalities, including: a Reiki, EFT, reflexology, massage therapy, and a crystal healer, all of which aided in her discovery of how to heal herself naturally. These life-changing skills also served as the foundation to helping others love themselves healthy. In her book Chakra Wellness: 7 Ways to Renew the Total she dives into the seven chakra centers from a mind-body-soul perspective. She has been recognized for her knowledge of the chakra system (by best-selling author of the Chakra Bible, Patricia Mercier), gemstone healing, and energy medicine. She contributes to several online publications on the subject of holistic healing and offers talks and insightful guidance to encourage others on their journey toward a better, fuller life. Although Christy has faced adversity in her life, she continues to see the world in a myriad of color and squiggly lines. In 2014, Christy decided to pursue her lifelong dream of being an interior designer. She is now the founder and principal designer at Happy Buddha Interiors, a full service design boutique, which applies a holistic approach to interior design. In her latest release, Little Miss Somebody, Christy wears her heart on her sleeve and delivers a poignant tale of love and sacrifice. Christy’s other activities include partnering with Pongo for Teen Writing, a Seattle based non-profit organization that offers expressive writing to teens who are in jail, homeless, or leading difficult lives. To learn more about Christy and her mission visitwww.christylynnabram.com.

Connect with Christy on Social Media:

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Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – Dark Journey to the Witch


Here by the skin of my teeth this week thanks to wireless issues! Eeks! Happy Sunday! Welcome to my post on the Weekend Writing Warriors – a place for authors to come together to share 8 to 10 sentences of their current WIP. Check out http://www.wewriwa.com for a list of all the participants and the details on how you can get on next week’s list!

The past handful of weeks I shared snippets from my newly finished first draft of Rise of the Angerroots. I would love to say that rewrites are coming along wonderfully but that would be a lie. I’ve managed to add it to scrivener and that’s about as far as I got. It’s going to be slow going. In the meantime, I’ve hit the rewind button to start work on the prequel which will help to introduce my story world. It seems only fair that I begin share the snippets from this new project.

Meet Serena…


Woman harvesting magical flower in the forestThe shadows cut deep into the forest. Serena kept her cloak over her head to conceal her identity as she moved swiftly along the dark forest path, never daring to look around lest she meet the eye of one who might recognize her. Eventually she stopped outside a worn down old cabin with a broken window and hesitated before taking the crooked steps leading to the front door. Serena considered her mother’s warnings but these were desperate times, she decided, and her fate was already chosen. An old woman peered out the window before letting the curtains fall back into place and Serena felt chills travel down her spine. She could turn and go but she had already come so far. She might as well hear the old woman out.

Before she could knock, the door swung slowly open and Serena found herself face to face with a short, not entirely unattractive woman with jet black hair and crystal blue eyes.
“Raven?” Serena asked, even though there was no mistaking the woman’s identity.


That’s it… I look forward to your thoughts on my snippet. Next week I will share another peek into this novella and hopefully better news regarding my rewrite progress. As always, thanks for reading! See you next time. 🙂



Old vintage typewriterTo Reimagine, according to Merriam-Webster, is to imagine again or anew; especially: to form a new conception of. To recreate.

In college, I didn’t major in Writing or English Lit, but because I’d always had an interest in creating stories, I took an Intro to Creative Writing class for fun.

Or at least, I expected it to be fun.

How could I go wrong? Easy A, I figured, after years of English teachers telling me how much they loved my writing.

That was the year I got a glimpse into harsh reality, which as it turns out means a lot more than coming up with fun stories and putting words on paper. Sat in a small, stuffy classroom in The Cathedral of Learning with about fifteen other students, we were led by a grad student. I am pretty sure she hated me. At the very least, she liked giving her red pen a workout on my papers and I blamed it on grad school angst.

Then that crazy teacher started talking about something called “revision”. After returning the short stories we put so much sweat and tears into producing, she expected us to revise them. Fair enough, I thought, and went off to the computer lab to fix my typos, move a couple of awkward sentences around, and print off a fresh copy of my story.

Turns out that wasn’t what my teacher wanted. She explained that revisions are a reimagining of the story.

“What?” I cried in horror. “You want me to write a whole new story?”

Well, yes, kind of. Begin with the story you’ve created but then try to see that story in a different way. Could it be better told from a different character’s point-of-view perhaps? Maybe the action unfolds in a completely different way?

I thought that was pretty much the craziest thing I’d ever heard. After all, I’d already turned in something that was “good enough” and I was eager to move on to the next assignment. Trying to come up with a whole new version of the same old story I’d already told felt like way too much work for an already over-taxed college student.

Darn those grad students and their angst.

For the sake of passing this class, I did that crazy reimagining thing anyway.

Guess what? I liked this new version of my story better than the original.

I suppose there is some merit to going through this exercise, as painful as it may feel at the time. It’s a little more daunting as I sit here staring at a full length novel as opposed to a short story I wrote for class but nonetheless, I’m trying to imagine my whole book in different ways.

A lot of work, for sure, but as long as I end up with a story I love and you love, it’s well worth the time.

Now… back to my revisions and rewrites!

See you Sunday for a snippet of my latest and greatest. Until then…

For the Love of Food

Mmmm… food. There is such variety and creativity that can go into making a meal. It’s no wonder so many of life’s important occasions centerValentines dinner on wooden background around it.

This month we celebrate Valentines Day and some of you may have romance on your mind. What is your favorite meal to share with the one you love? Is it a bottle of wine and chocolate covered strawberries? Lobster and shrimp? Or a healthy salad filled with plenty of tomatoes, avocado, and almonds?

It seems that no matter which way you turn, you’re bound to come across a food that will inspire passion from the obvious choices like bananas and cucumbers for their suggestive shapes to foods like oysters and chocolate which are known for their aphrodisiac qualities.

And it’s no wonder that phrases like “the way to his heart is through his stomach” come into being. That may be typical of men but it’s also true for me! I love a good meal and a man who cooks is about the sexiest thing there is. Bonus points for inspiring the mood right there.

Did you know that when the tomato was first introduced to Europe, it was called a “love apple” because of its stimulating effect. Turns out there is some truth to that due to the lycopene in them (good for your prostate, guys).

An aphrodisiac is defined as a food, drink, or drug that inspires sexual desire. Since this is the month for getting romantic, I’ve researched the top foods to add to your lover’s plate. Bon apetit and enjoy. 😉

Seafood ( oysters, cavier, prawns, lobsters, shrimps, abalone, and others), Tomato, Avocado, Honey, Garlic, Basil, Wine, Asparagus, Chocolate, Strawberries & Raspberries, Almonds, Bananas, Cucumbers, Peaches, Apricots, Figs, Eggs, Nuts & Seeds

Personally, I love garlic shrimp scampi and a glass of red wine followed by a little melted chocolate drizzled over just the right places. (ahem) What is your favorite food to help set the mood?