Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – She is Gone

spooky bedroom

Happy Sunday! Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where several authors join together to share 8 to 10 sentences of a current work-in-progress or recently published book.

My snippet today comes from my WIP currently titled Love Spell.


A noise in the house caught his attention. He stopped and listened but all he heard was the sound of the wind whistling against the windows. He took a deep breath and tried to concentrate but his only focus was the prickling of his skin. That strange sensation of electricity in the air was back again. Feeling a little spooked, he decided to check on Abigail to make sure she was okay.

The wind seemed unusually loud, howling around him and filling his ears. Something wasn’t right. The sensation overwhelmed him and hurried his footsteps toward Abigail’s bedroom. When he opened the door, his fears were confirmed.

“Abigail?” he whispered into the eerie glow of the night light.


For a list of participating authors, be sure to visit http://www.wewriwa.com

Thanks for reading! Please feel free to share your thoughts and visit again next week. 🙂

Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – The Storm

stormy night

It’s been a long time! Finally, I am back to participating in the Weekend Writing Warriors where many awesome authors come together to share 8 to 10 sentences of a current work-in-progress, or recently published story. I’ve missed being a part of this and plan to make it a regular habit in the coming weeks. 🙂

Today’s selection comes from my WIP paranormal romance currently titled Love Spell. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments because I love to read them and it helps me make decisions on the course of the story.


The rain poured down harder, filling their ears with its fury and soaking them almost instantly. Somehow, with persistence, Mari slipped from Juniper’s grasp and began running toward Sarah’s house.


She didn’t stop until she was at the door, pounding on it with all her strength. As Sarah’s father, Jacob, opened the door the smell of death poured out around her so foul that she covered her mouth, struggling to catch her breath.

“What are you doing out in the storm, Child? You’re soaked.”

Jacob ushered her inside. Mari glanced over her shoulder to see Juniper standing alongside a tree in a flash of lightning, her wet hair plastered against her face. Chills racked Mari’s body with a desperate sense of foreboding.


Look for more next week! In the meantime, head over to http://www.wewriwa.com to sample stories from the other participating authors.

Thanks for stopping by!

Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – Beginner’s Luck

weekendwritingHello and Happy Sunday! It’s been a few weeks since I have participated in the Weekend Writing Warriors so I figured it was about time I get back to it. I’ve missed it! If you’ve never heard of Weekend Writing Warriors before, this is the day a group of authors come together to share 8 to 10 sentences from a current work-in-progress or recently published story. Check out the main page for the official list at http://www.wewriwa.com and enjoy a variety of genres.

I really struggled to settle on a snippet to share this week. My current work-in-progress is giving me some headaches and I’m not convinced it’s a story worth sticking with … but I couldn’t settle on anything from my other stories either so here goes.

Riley is one of the best in her field but she only works alone. Being forced to work with Madison to secure a case that will land her the promotion she desperately needs is proving difficult. They have already screwed up once and the boss isn’t happy. Because my sentences are so short, there isn’t much to my snippet but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.


With a sigh, Riley turned and shoved the door open and stomped out of the office. She didn’t look back even when she heard Madison following close at her heels. She wasn’t in the mood for conversation and she didn’t need to sit down and try to come up with a plan with someone who probably couldn’t tie her own shoes.
“Riley, wait up!”
Reluctantly, Riley stopped just as the fresh air hit her outside the high rise that contained Frank’s office.
“What are we going to do?” Madison asked.
“You are going to go back to wherever you came from and lay low for a while and I’m going to go figure this mess out.”
“I was the one who made a shot.” The statement hit Riley hard like a smack to the face.
“Beginner’s luck.”


Thanks for reading! Please feel free to share your thoughts. I always enjoy reading them. 🙂

Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – Dark Journey to the Witch


Here by the skin of my teeth this week thanks to wireless issues! Eeks! Happy Sunday! Welcome to my post on the Weekend Writing Warriors – a place for authors to come together to share 8 to 10 sentences of their current WIP. Check out http://www.wewriwa.com for a list of all the participants and the details on how you can get on next week’s list!

The past handful of weeks I shared snippets from my newly finished first draft of Rise of the Angerroots. I would love to say that rewrites are coming along wonderfully but that would be a lie. I’ve managed to add it to scrivener and that’s about as far as I got. It’s going to be slow going. In the meantime, I’ve hit the rewind button to start work on the prequel which will help to introduce my story world. It seems only fair that I begin share the snippets from this new project.

Meet Serena…


Woman harvesting magical flower in the forestThe shadows cut deep into the forest. Serena kept her cloak over her head to conceal her identity as she moved swiftly along the dark forest path, never daring to look around lest she meet the eye of one who might recognize her. Eventually she stopped outside a worn down old cabin with a broken window and hesitated before taking the crooked steps leading to the front door. Serena considered her mother’s warnings but these were desperate times, she decided, and her fate was already chosen. An old woman peered out the window before letting the curtains fall back into place and Serena felt chills travel down her spine. She could turn and go but she had already come so far. She might as well hear the old woman out.

Before she could knock, the door swung slowly open and Serena found herself face to face with a short, not entirely unattractive woman with jet black hair and crystal blue eyes.
“Raven?” Serena asked, even though there was no mistaking the woman’s identity.


That’s it… I look forward to your thoughts on my snippet. Next week I will share another peek into this novella and hopefully better news regarding my rewrite progress. As always, thanks for reading! See you next time. 🙂


Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – Love at First Punch

weekendwritingWelcome to the Weekend Writing Warriors, where a great group of authors come together to share 8 to 10 sentences of a work-in-progress. For more information and a list of the participants, check out http://www.wewriwa.com

Over the past several weeks I have shared snippets from Rise of the Angerroots as I finish my first draft. I am happy to announce that I am finally finished. Yippee! February is going to be a busy month of rewrites and edits so I am going to take a break from posting snippets from this story and switch over to something else for a while, just not entirely sure what.

In the meantime, here is my last offering until the story undergoes a clean up. Sarah is regaining her memory. Here she remembers meeting Nathanial for the first time. Love at first punch?



He nodded toward the lifeless creature. “I saved you from that. It would have killed you.”

Evening forestDespite her reluctance to admit that she may be in the wrong, she glanced toward it and back at the man pinning her to the ground. “So, what is your point?”

“Where I come from, if someone helps us, we don’t try to kill them.”

He let go of her slowly and she sat up rubbing her wrists. She thought about lunging for him again but there didn’t seem to be much point unless she wanted to land flat on her back again.

“My name is Nathanial,” he said reaching out to shake her hand.



I look forward to your thoughts. Enjoy your Sunday and see you next week!