Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – Beginner’s Luck

weekendwritingHello and Happy Sunday! It’s been a few weeks since I have participated in the Weekend Writing Warriors so I figured it was about time I get back to it. I’ve missed it! If you’ve never heard of Weekend Writing Warriors before, this is the day a group of authors come together to share 8 to 10 sentences from a current work-in-progress or recently published story. Check out the main page for the official list at http://www.wewriwa.com and enjoy a variety of genres.

I really struggled to settle on a snippet to share this week. My current work-in-progress is giving me some headaches and I’m not convinced it’s a story worth sticking with … but I couldn’t settle on anything from my other stories either so here goes.

Riley is one of the best in her field but she only works alone. Being forced to work with Madison to secure a case that will land her the promotion she desperately needs is proving difficult. They have already screwed up once and the boss isn’t happy. Because my sentences are so short, there isn’t much to my snippet but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.


With a sigh, Riley turned and shoved the door open and stomped out of the office. She didn’t look back even when she heard Madison following close at her heels. She wasn’t in the mood for conversation and she didn’t need to sit down and try to come up with a plan with someone who probably couldn’t tie her own shoes.
“Riley, wait up!”
Reluctantly, Riley stopped just as the fresh air hit her outside the high rise that contained Frank’s office.
“What are we going to do?” Madison asked.
“You are going to go back to wherever you came from and lay low for a while and I’m going to go figure this mess out.”
“I was the one who made a shot.” The statement hit Riley hard like a smack to the face.
“Beginner’s luck.”


Thanks for reading! Please feel free to share your thoughts. I always enjoy reading them. 🙂