Six Sentence Sunday – In Honor of August’s Blue Moon

Happy September! So this is it, then. Summer is over and the kids are back to school. The days are getting shorter. (Have you noticed?) It won’t be much longer before we’re packing away the shorts and t-shirts in favor of jeans and long shirts and grabbing a jacket before we head out the door. Sure, I feel a little sad about this. And believe me, even though I swore I’d be a big girl at the bus stop when my little guy started kindergarten, I still got teary walking back to the house. After this wonderful holiday weekend, I’ll be sending #3 to preschool. Man, time sure flies! But it’s not all sad, of course, because if you’ve been around my blog before, you might already know that I love the fall. I love the color in the trees and can’t wait to visit the farm to pick pumpkins. And of course, I’m relieved to enjoy some cooler temps because those hazy, hot, and humid days start to get to me after a while.

But anyway, I digress. We’re not here to talk about the weather, no matter how exciting that may be. (?) We’re not even here to mark the passage of time, even though it keeps marching steadily onward. It’s Sunday. We’re here to share six sentences! Oh yeah…

New to Six Sentence Sunday? Then you need to click HERE immediately and aquaint yourself with the other fabulous participants. There are so many greats to pick from and it’s always fun to find out what they come up with next. The official Six Sentence Sunday website makes it easy to hop from one to the next. What better way to spend a Sunday than discovering a new author offering a sneak peek of your next favorite book?

(Pick me! Pick me!)

As for my six, well, we all know I’ve posted plenty from Ghosts Don’t Wear Silk Stockings! Wooo weee… We’re getting bored with that one, aren’t we? Wait! Wait! Don’t say yes! You haven’t even read the book yet. You really have to stick with me long enough to read that book. (Planning to pimp it out during September’s ‘Gearing Up to Get An Agent’ event so keep your fingers crossed for me, K?)

But yeah, I finished the final edits on that one and after all that work, I think I need a rest. Don’t you? Dan may be drop-dead gorgeous but he’s starting to make my head hurt thinking about him too long. It’s time to move on to something new. A few weeks back, I shared six from the next novel (still untitled) that I’m writing. I introduced a very tense relationship between my two main characters Nathanial and Sarah. Remember it? No? Well, if you’re interested, you can click HERE and refresh your memory. As I embark on my newest writing adventure, I wanted to share another six from Nathanial and Sarah’s story so here goes…


It was a feeling that was difficult to ignore, almost as difficult as not being able to remember anything before moving in with Grandmamma.

The moon’s full glow cast an icy shimmer on the world outside her window making her feel like an alien in her own home. She shivered and pulled her knees into her chest resting her head. Her eyelids were drooping. She contemplated the last time she had a full night’s sleep and couldn’t remember. A moan in the upstairs bedroom reminded her of the only reason she stayed.


Like it? It’s got potential, I think. Guess I better quit my rambling and get back to writing. After all, you’ll want me back next week with a brand new six, right? Right?

Thought so.


3 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday – In Honor of August’s Blue Moon

  1. Mae Clair says:

    OMG, Stephanie, I loved the strength of your ‘voice’ in this post. That’s not the six. I’m talking about the blog post which totally rocked. You really had me grinning and nodding my head in agreement.

    Now about the six: I checked out the previous post and I DO remember this one. As Clare noted, I love the imagry of the moon. I can also relate to Sarah’s mood, as who hasn’t pulled thremself into that pensive position a few times. I also wondered about the moan and am thinking she could be looking after her grandmother? Maybe I’m completely off base but I can’t wait to see more

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