Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – The Quest to Find Her

wewriwa2Welcome to my contribution to Weekend Writing Warriors! During this awesome blog hop many wonderfully talented authors share 8 to 10 sentences from a current work-in-progress. For the official list of participating authors, visit http://www.wewriwa.com and feel free to sign up for next week’s list! This is a friendly bunch.

I’m scratching my head this week as I decide what I will share. I admit, my writing has slowed considerably since entering December. The closer we get to Christmas, the busier I am with pretty much everything else. Most of my writing projects have hit a standstill. However, since I still have a few projects in various stages of completion, I am eager to continue sharing my weekly snippets. It’s just a matter of deciding which one!

Last week I shared a bit of my zombie story. I suppose this week I will switch gears yet again and share a story that is a long time in the making, but of all the stories I’ve written, it’s so far one of my favorites. It’s currently titled Obdormio, Rise of the Angerroots.

As always, I thank you for taking the time to visit my page and reading my snippet. I would love to read your thoughts on what I’ve shared and I hope you’ll return again next week.


Angerroots cover“You’re the only one left who can protect her,” the older man had told him.

At first Max didn’t want to believe it. It would have made the pain a little more tolerable knowing she was dead. He could finally lay the past to rest. Although her father had supplied very few details to help Max on this quest, he knew even then, it was a quest he couldn’t refuse. It was his duty as her betrothed to find her.

Even if she didn’t want to be found.

He looked back at the crumpled paper in his hands. After all this time, after all the lost sleep, the worrying, the waiting, finally, he held the evidence in his grasp that she was alive.


Be sure to return to http://www.wewriwa.com to read more snippets from my fellow authors. Enjoy your day!

52 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – The Quest to Find Her

  1. evelynjules says:

    Very powerful excerpt! This woman clearly doesn’t want to be found, and now he has proof that she’s still alive. Great set-up!

  2. amybraunauthor says:

    Wow, this is quite a dramatic introduction to the story! And I absolutely love it. The stakes are clear and raised, the tension is high, and the snippet leaves you begging for more. Excellent writing!

    • Stephanie Ingram says:

      That is quite a compliment! Thank you so much. 🙂 Unfortunately, the story is still a work-in-progress. However, I am hoping to change that fact in early 2016. I’ll be sure to post the details when it’s available. Thanks for reading.

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